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Direction des Opérations | Dir-France |
Lieux | FR - Provence |
Programme de Recherche | OSI - CHIP HACKADEMY |
Programme Peda-Log | PEDA-LOG FRANCE |
Âge maximum | 17 ans |
Âge minimum seul | A partir de 10 ans |
Age minimum accompagné par un adulte responsable | A partir de 10 ans |
Assurance Annulation | Action |
Jours types | Du dimanche au dimanche |
Day of public presentation of our results | Day before the end of the stay, in the afternoon |
Accounting | 7541 |
Ev.Rem. | 45 |
D.A. | 21 |
D.I.D.M. | 14 |
Type of Stay_ru | Stay on Stay Center |
ID | YES |
Shoe size | NO |
All physical information | NO |
Documents to provide | YES |
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